Campaign Builder
Finishing School
Leveling up your existing campaigns
Thanks for checking out the Campaign Builder Finishing School training. This was originally recorded to be an ‘automated webinar’, but I’ve since decided to give you more flexibility and just host it as a video. So, lets ignore the sections where I refer it as a webinar, deal?
Individual Tactics
For your convenience here are individual videos for each of the tactics that were covered in the training above.
HTML Campaign Notes
Tactic one covers using the notes widget on the campaign builder canvas (they support HTML and are more flexible than most people realize).
The Entry Filter
Tactic two talks about using an entry filter to tailor someone’s experience, and prevent repetitive automation.
The Exit Hatch
Tactic number three covers the concept of an exit hatch, which gives your subscribers the ability to opt out of individual campaigns.
Preview Text
Tactic number four covers the use of the preview text function for Infusionsoft emails; and how it can increase opens and encourage engagement.
Muti-Channel Messaging
Tactic number five covers the concept of Multi-Channel messaging – email is an effective way to communicate, but it’s not the only medium.
Wondering what to do next?
The One Conversation
Expertise on demand
And just because I like ya, here are a few bonus tactics.
Bonus Tactics
Split Testing Campaigns
This bonus tactic is all about split testing your campaigns – sometimes small tweaks can create a meaningful impact on your results.
Campaign Merge Fields and Links
This bonus tactic covers one of my favorite “hidden” features, campaign merge fields and links. When used properly these can save you tons of time when editing or copying campaigns.